Monthly Archives: January 2013

Father and Son

Morpheus II has just gotten in trouble with women while attempted to break other helpless men from the Matrix and is sent home from the fem-centric institution.  He sees his father there with cracking his knuckles and gritting his teeth.

Morpheus Sr: SON (in a deep, almost God-like voice)

Morpheus II: What did I do this time?

Morpheus Sr: You forgot again

He pulls back and smacks Morpheus II on the back of the head. THWAP!

Morpheus II: What I forget?

Morpheus Sr: What is the first rule when attempting to set others free from the Matrix?

Morpheus II: Uhh

Morpheus Sr smacks him in the back of the head again. TWHAP!

Morpheus Sr: You don’t talk about the Matrix to it’s fucking Matrons! Now..what is the second rule of leaving the Matrix?

Morpheus II: Uhhhh..I

He gets hit in the back of the head again.

Morpheus Sr: You don’t talk about the Matrix to it’s fucking Patrons!

Morpheus II: I thought it was only fem-centric.

Morpheus Sr: I guess I didn’t teach you shit. You got betas, manginas, white knights, simps and all types of males who gave up their balls to please the Matrix.  Now, what’s the third rule?

Morpheus II: Uhhhh

He gets hit in the back of the head again.

Morpheus Sr: Don’t flex with too much knowledge about how to leave the fucking Matrix. Only do so if asked to by a man who really wants it.

Morpheus II: Got you. I have a fourth rule dad.

Morpheus Sr: Okay, tell me.

Morpheus II: Outside this Brotherhood, the Matrix doesn’t exist.

Morpheus Sr: You’re learning after all.

He smacks him in the back of the head again.

Morpheus Sr: Don’t let them catch you slipping again.

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