Monthly Archives: September 2012

You Are Always Opening

One thing that I dislike about PUA game is some try to over-complicate simple shit.  For example opening.  Opening is basically starting a conversation. The key word in here is “open” that means open your mouth and say some shit.  Whenever you make the first move when you talk you are in essence “opening” her. There’s really no need for a complicated diagram of communication or a book of routines (not shitting on Love Systems, RSD  or any company), unless you really feel you need one, I’m not here to judge. Just simply open your mouth and say “hi,” “hello”, “bonjour” , “hola,” “konichiwa” or “how are you,” however I don’t recommend you ask “what’s good?” that shit’s played out.  If she walks away after you give a simple hello, then charge her ass to the game for not having the common courtesy or some basic social skills. I can almost guarantee you that most other women won’t be thrown off by a simple “hello.”

This same dynamic applies with EVERY WOMAN YOU MEET. As long as your mouth is open, consider yourself opening her.  Stop making simple shit complicated and use your mouthpiece. 

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Random 9-27-12

After reading about the fall and return of Justin Wayne and being linked to the video to see his story, I scrapped the idea of mixing my other blog continent with this one. The fem-matrix and white knights are still a strong factor in society and I feel they won’t go anywhere soon. To those brave like Rollo, Kenny, Private Man, Solo, Ian Ironwood, I commend you for being bold enough to go into the matrix head first and pull others out. I’ll be there with you all soon, I still need stronger armour and a sharper sword. 

Why So Serious? Its Her Damn Outburst

……not yours. A lot of men seem to jump everytime a
woman has an outburst. Get used to it brother, its encoded in her DNA. Although both sexes have emotions (that’s what seperates us from robots and soon to be sex bots), the emotional realm belongs MAINLY to women.

Since most women aren’t physically stronger than men, with the exception of the chicks on American Gladiators, they rely more on emotional strength. Women are hard-wired (well soft) to throw childlike trantrums as a form of soft dominance.

If you’ve ever given in to a tantrum and felt like a bitch afterwards, then yea, you got indirectly punked. There are sometimes these emotional outbursts are genuine: death in the family, hard day at work or school. However if your head is telling you that its silly and you’re fighting over some bullshit like who left the toil seat up, just let her ass talk.

Fantasize about (insert your favorite eye candy here) or just nod and say “ok,” “whatever,” “cool.” Show little to no emotion. It’s her emotional outburst, not yours. Let her ride that shit out. Don’t get caught up in her wave, just calmly surf that bitch back to the surface.

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What I’m Reading 9-14-2012 – “Taking A Break From Bloggin Brahs” – Solo. I get my first shout out in the sphere. – “Generation Princess: Are All Women Slores?” – Solo. A must read for those noticing the not-so trend of self-shooters. – “Women Studies” – Rolo Tomassi. – “Year One” – Rolo Tomassi.  Rolo, gets up in your ass with this one. It’s a compilation of some his best posts of his first year in the manosphere. -“The Contract Part 3: PUA instructor Speer’s Fallout With The Venusian Arts Crew” – Social Kenny. I’m still tripping off the PUA wars man.

Once again, stop the TL:DR shit. Read, learn and apply.

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What’s Been Up With Me

My bad I’ve been MIA. I’ve been dealing with this bad economy and looking diligently for work. I’ve also been working on another blog and a book under a different alias, to keep my other project separate from the man-o-sphere. So call off the search dogs I’m good.